Charlotte & Alex

Are Getting Married!

Greenville, NC | 12.14.24

Our Love Story

Our Love Story ♡

fate has it…

Growing up in the same hometown, it's crazy to think our paths never crossed despite being in the same place countless times. Alex was a basketball player for Ayden-Grifton and Charlotte was a cheerleader for the rival high school, J.H. Rose. Growing up, we attended almost every ECU home game but always ended up on opposite sides of the stadium. We even joined the Pitt County Junior Golf League, but were placed in separate groups every match. It was like fate was playing a game of hide and seek with us, just waiting for the perfect moment to bring us together.

In 2014, Charlotte chose to leave Greenville for a new life at the University of South Carolina. Alex stayed close to home for his ECU Pirates. Rumor has it we came close to meeting that year when ECU played USC in Williams-Brice. But of course, it wasn’t in the cards just yet. We went on to live our lives 270 miles apart…until fate finally decided it was time.

In August 2019, Alex accepted a job offer with Stryker, and suddenly, our destinies collided. We met in South Carolina at the Cola Queens' go-to spot, Jake’s Bar and Grill. Let me tell you, it was fate at its finest. Neither of us can remember exactly what we talked about that night, but there was an undeniable spark. The next day, we decided to take a chance on each other, and now, here we are, on the brink of marriage. It's amazing how life works out when you least expect it, and we couldn't be happier about where our journey has taken us. It only took 22 years but who’s counting? ❤︎

What’s meant to be will always find a way.
— Trisha Yearwood
  • Charlotte Taylor Overton

    Sign: Libra

    Wanted to be: On Disney Channel

    Favorite thing about Alex: “His Humor and his approach to life through it. He always knows what to say to make me laugh, especially when I’m upset or stressed and need it the most.”

  • Alexander Perry Gantt

    Sign: Gemini

    Wanted to be: An NBA Player

    Favorite thing about Charlotte: “Her attitude and confidence (also can be something that gets on my nerves lol.) But she keeps me in check and grounded when I need it. It’s super attractive and impressive the belief she has in herself and in me.”